CentOS Stream 9: Update System


Initial Settings

After CentOS Stream Server has been a production System, maybe it's difficult to update System, however, at least after Installing, Update CentOS Stream Server to the latest.

Step [1] For commands to updating System, it's possible to use [yum] or [dnf], but both are the link to [dnf-3], so you may use [yum] or [dnf] as you like.

[root@bizantum ~]# which yum
[root@bizantum ~]# ll /usr/bin/yum
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 5 Aug 5 2020 /usr/bin/yum -> dnf-3
[root@bizantum ~]# which dnf
[root@bizantum ~]# ll /usr/bin/dnf
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 5 Oct 25 23:06 /usr/bin/dnf -> dnf-3
[root@bizantum ~]# ll /usr/bin/dnf-3
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1942 Oct 25 23:06 /usr/bin/dnf-3
# installed [yum] package
[root@bizantum ~]# rpm -q yum
[root@bizantum ~]# rpm -ql yum

# included files are all links to [dnf]
[root@bizantum ~]# ll /etc/yum.conf /etc/yum/vars /etc/yum/pluginconf.d
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 12 Oct 25 23:06 /etc/yum.conf -> dnf/dnf.conf
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 14 Oct 25 23:06 /etc/yum/pluginconf.d -> ../dnf/plugins
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 11 Oct 25 23:06 /etc/yum/vars -> ../dnf/vars

Step [2] Update CentOS Stream Server like follows.

[root@bizantum ~]# dnf -y upgrade
CentOS Stream 9 - BaseOS                        7.2 kB/s | 8.1 kB     00:01
CentOS Stream 9 - BaseOS                        242 kB/s | 1.7 MB     00:07
CentOS Stream 9 - AppStream                      26 kB/s | 8.2 kB     00:00
CentOS Stream 9 - AppStream                     1.3 MB/s | 9.7 MB     00:07
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                         Arch     Version             Repository   Size
 kernel                          x86_64   5.14.0-30.el9       baseos      158 k
 NetworkManager                  x86_64   1:1.36.0-0.2.el9    baseos      2.2 M
 NetworkManager-config-server    noarch   1:1.36.0-0.2.el9    baseos       13 k
 NetworkManager-libnm            x86_64   1:1.36.0-0.2.el9    baseos      1.7 M
 NetworkManager-team             x86_64   1:1.36.0-0.2.el9    baseos       31 k
 NetworkManager-tui              x86_64   1:1.36.0-0.2.el9    baseos      225 k
 bind-libs                       x86_64   32:9.16.23-1.el9    appstream   1.2 M
 bind-license                    noarch   32:9.16.23-1.el9    appstream    16 k
 bind-utils                      x86_64   32:9.16.23-1.el9    appstream   210 k
 binutils                        x86_64   2.35.2-13.el9       baseos      5.6 M
 binutils-gold                   x86_64   2.35.2-13.el9       baseos      739 k
 bpftool                         x86_64   5.14.0-30.el9       baseos      887 k
 cockpit                         x86_64   259-1.el9           baseos       45 k
 cockpit-bridge                  x86_64   259-1.el9           baseos      492 k
 cockpit-packagekit              noarch   259-1.el9           appstream   588 k
 cockpit-podman                  noarch   38-1.el9            appstream   472 k
 cockpit-storaged                noarch   259-1.el9           appstream   587 k
 cockpit-system                  noarch   259-1.el9           baseos      3.2 M
 cockpit-ws                      x86_64   259-1.el9           baseos      1.3 M


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